When the powerful Sun aligns with your co-ruler Pluto on Tuesday, expect a profound revelation about your love life. Take the time to explore this insight deeply to better understand your current situation, Scorpio, and how this knowledge can help guide you in the future. Being honest with yourself is crucial during this time.
Thursday’s Mars-Uranus sextile encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, something you might not usually enjoy as a fixed sign. However, once you find a compelling reason—like your spontaneous crush being a fiery type—it could be much easier to embrace acting on impulse. Go with the flow and see where it leads you.
Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile softens your usually intense presence, making it easier for others to approach you. When you let down your guard and express your feelings, it may catch someone off guard. A simple compliment or saying “I really care about you” could make a big impact, sparking strong feelings in return.