The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the second card in the Major Arcana and is often associated with mystery, intuition, and hidden knowledge. In many tarot decks, she is depicted as a veiled woman sitting between two pillars, holding a scroll in her lap and a crescent moon at her feet. The High Priestess is a powerful symbol of the subconscious mind, and her appearance in a tarot reading can indicate the presence of deep, hidden truths that are waiting to be revealed.

One of the main themes of The High Priestess is intuition. She represents the part of us that is attuned to our inner voice and can guide us toward the right path. When the High Priestess appears in a tarot reading, it may be a sign that the querent needs to pay closer attention to their intuition and inner wisdom. This card can also indicate that there is something hidden or unknown that needs to be uncovered, and the querent may need to trust their intuition to uncover it. Another important aspect of the High Priestess is the mystery and the unknown. This card can represent secrets, hidden knowledge, or things that are yet to be revealed. The High Priestess can signify a need for the querent to look beneath the surface of things and to explore the hidden depths of a situation. It may also suggest that there is something that the querent is not yet ready to know and that they need to be patient and trust that the answers will come in due time. The High Priestess is also associated with the concept of duality, as represented by the two pillars that she sits between. This can indicate a need for balance and harmony in the querent’s life, as well as the need to reconcile opposing forces within themselves. The High Priestess can be a reminder to the querent that there is often more than one perspective to a situation, and that it is important to consider all angles before making a decision. In some tarot decks, the High Priestess is also associated with the moon, which can further emphasize the theme of intuition and hidden knowledge. The moon represents the subconscious mind and can indicate the presence of deep emotions and desires that are waiting to be uncovered. The High Priestess can signify a need for the querent to connect with their inner selves and to trust the wisdom that comes from within.

Overall, the High Priestess is a powerful symbol of intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge. When this card appears in a tarot reading, it may be a sign that the querent needs to pay closer attention to their inner voice and trust their intuition. The High Priestess can also indicate the presence of hidden truths or secrets that are waiting to be revealed and may suggest a need for balance and harmony in the querent’s life.



Sacred Knowledge

Divine Feminine





